Child's temperature is affected at the weather , wear few clothes , drink little water, vigorous exercise and other reasons. In addition to these, the immunity of children is weak , so these will cause fever easily.
The normal temperature is about 36-37℃,37-38℃ is low fever,38-39℃ is mid fever,above 39℃ is high fever, and above 40℃ is super high fever. Kangdi OEM cooling gel patches specialist said , when baby has a fever suddenly at night, the parents should not be worried about this, you should take emergency measures to reduce baby fever.
Kangdi fever cooling gel plaster specialist said, use warm water to let baby has a shower , drink much water , use fever cooling gel patch or other methods to reduce fever are excellent ways for baby fever.
Of course , maybe some baby who has high fever will take an injection,most children are scare about it,at this time ,using safety cooling gel patch for baby fever is the excellent way to reduce baby fever !
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